Your First Visit

What to Expect On Your First Visit.

You will be asked to fill out our introductory forms with your personal and health information. To get to the root of the problem, we begin by conducting a thorough consultation and examination. During the consultation you explain what you are experiencing and we dive into the history of the reason for your visit. That gives me a greater understanding of what’s happening, and more importantly, what your goals are with care. We are interested in your past falls, accidents, illnesses and surgeries. We will ask about your lifestyle: things like your regular diet, whether you exercise, and your stress level.

Next we begin an Examination. We check your posture, flexibility, muscle strength, the integrity of your spine, along with several other tests. All these questions and tests help Doctor Bill find the cause of your problem and give him an indication if he can help you and how.

Please download and fill out introductory forms before coming in for your initial consultation.

Located in
Conquer Health and Performance

You will be given a second appointment to return for a Report of Findings where Dr Bill will discuss what he has discovered, and explain how Chiropractic care can help restore your health, as well as our recommendations for Chiropractic care, exercises, flexibility, nutrition, diet and more. He will answer your questions and possibly give you your first adjustment if we accept you as a Chiropractic patient.

We help dads, moms, kids, seniors, athletes (both professional and weekend types), and others. Chiropractic care really is for everybody.

We suggest you wear loose fitting clothes for your first visit, and don’t be afraid to ask questions. Please allow up to 30 minutes for this Initial Visit.